Capture Date/Time:
September 13, 2007
Camera: Canon 5D
Lens: 16-35mm 2.8L
Focal Length: 16mm
Aperture/Shutter Speed:
F/2.8 1/40sec
ISO: 400 – Flash: None
I just got back from another great business trip to Tokyo, Japan. On our last night there we ate dinner at this crazy restaurant in Roppongi Hills. The restaurant was barely noticeable from the road. All you saw was a small sign and a tiny building. But once inside it was one of the most surreal experiences of my life. The seating was very tight and small. The entire scene reminded me of something out of an Indiana Jones movie with live food moving all around this old looking room. The noise level was chaotic as the waiters were constantly barking out orders and everyone in the room would repeat them. It was well worth the $800 bill we were surprised by at the end of the evening. 🙂